lunes, marzo 01, 2010

"El hombre sufre tan terriblemente en el mundo que se ha visto obligado a inventar la risa."

Friedich Nietzsche.

Las hienas parecen reir, pero no rien, son así. Así que la risa es un signo exclusivo de la humanidad, dicen que es un ejercicio saludable, pero no necesitamos reirnos para hacer ejercicio, es mucho más fácil subir escaleras y por lo general mucho más práctico... llegamos a donde queremos ir... salvo que haya ascensor, pero bueno, algo habremos caminado.

Psicologicamente la risa nos recupera, la risa nos sana e incluso aumenta nuestra esperanza de vida si no nos mata otra cosa antes... claro... pero la risa más común, la más habitual, es la risa del que rie por no llorar.

8 comentarios:

carlota dijo...

A la última frase que dices se podía aplicar :

El humor hace pariente de la mentira a la verdad y a la verdad de la mentira.
Ramón Gómez de la Serna .


Outsider dijo...

Pues sí.

Titajú dijo...

Pues ¿sabes que te digo? El otro día fue (o sería) el quinto cumpleaños de Diego, el hijo de Vane, una amiga. Diego murió el año pasado ahogado en la piscina de su colegio.
Y el día del que sería su cumpleaños, subimos las amigas al monte (con un frío que pelaba y un viento del norte que cortaba el alma) a soltar unos globos. Nos echamos unas risas que no te imaginas, porque parecíamos musulmanas con tanta ropa encima, y todas apretujadas porque nos helábamos. Y los globos no volaron, fueron a pique al pillar una corriente de aire. y no podíamos parar de reír.
Y era un día para llorar, pero reímos.
Y el tiempo va pasando, y seguimos riendo, riendo por no llorar.
y lo prefiero.

Outsider dijo...

Desde luego que es preferible... pero antes de reir por no llorar preferería reir por reir, y reir de nuevo a riesgo de parecer tonto.

Hay muchas situaciones en las que la risa y un sentido algo peculiar del humor han creado una pantalla protectora... y al final se convierte en una risa contagiosa que sienta bien... pero que en el fondo es triste.

silversroadnottaken dijo...

Laughter is one of the things most repressed by society all over the world, in all the ages. Society wants you to be serious. Parents want their children to be serious, teachers want their students to be serious, the bosses want their servants to be serious, the commanders want their armies to be serious. Seriousness is required of everybody.

Laughter is dangerous and rebellious. When the teacher is teaching you and you start laughing, it will be taken as an insult. Your parents are saying something to you and you start laughing-it will be taken as an insult. Seriousness is thought to be honor, respect.

Naturally, laughter has been repressed so much that even though life all around is hilarious nobody is laughing. If your laughter is freed from its chains, from its bondage, you will be surprised-on each step there is something hilarious happening.

Life is not serious. Only graveyards are serious, death is serious. Life is love, life is laughter, life is dance, song. But we will have to give life a new orientation. The past has crippled life very badly, it has made you almost laughter blind, just like there are people who are colorblind. There are ten percent of people who are colorblind-it is a big percentage, but they are not aware that they are colorblind.

George Bernard Shaw was colorblind, and he came to know it when he was sixty years old. On his birthday somebody sent a present, a beautiful suit, a coat, but the person forgot to send a tie. So Bernard Shaw went with his secretary to find a matching tie. He liked the suit very much. He looked at ties and he chose one, and the secretary was surprised; she could not believe it-because the suit was yellow and the tie was green. She said, "What are you doing? This will look very strange."
He said, "Why will it look strange? It is the same color."
The manager, the salesman... they all gathered, and they tried in many ways to find out.... He could not distinguish between yellow and green; they both appeared the same to him. He was colorblind. But for sixty years he was not aware of it. And there are ten percent of people in the world who are colorblind. Some color they are missing, or maybe they are mixing it up with some other color.

The constant repression of laughter has made you laughter blind. Situations are happening everywhere, but you cannot see that there is any reason to laugh. If your laughter is freed from its bondage, the whole world will be full of laughter. It needs to be full of laughter; it will change almost everything in human life. You will not be as miserable as you are. In fact, you are not as miserable as you look-it is misery plus seriousness that makes you look so miserable. Just misery plus laughter, and you will not look so miserable!
Osho... no se si entiendes inglis,,, pero esta mu chulo

Señorita Puri dijo...

Y la más famosa es Larisa Flockhart, que te da con un chiste tonto y que es la novia de harrison ford.

Outsider dijo...

Silvers, me estaba quedando anonadado... de hecho me has recordado la canción final de la vida de o'brian en aquello de mirar el lado bueno de la vida, tienes razón es muy chulo, la vida es de risa... y si todos hemos de morir, que sea contentos.

Puri, ... famosa no se si será... pero yo no la conozco... voy a tener que mirar más la tele.

silversroadnottaken dijo...

:) un placer